What in the world is a


Great question! The BEST way to find out is simply to experience it for yourself. It's fun, free, and easy to join.

  • That probably sounds too cryptic. Okay, here's a bit more detail. Purple Socks Club is like a spiritual support group meets online ashram meets consciousness club. Still too cryptic?

  • Let's talk specifics. Every Sunday at 11 AM EST (that's 5 PM London time, 6 PM Berlin, 8 PM in Djibouti, etc), Purple Socks Club meets online via Zoom for one amazing hour. We discuss super simple topics like human consciousness, spiritual awakening, lasting happiness, and deeper relationships.

  • Okay, perhaps these topics are a bit complex, but we aim to make them simpler to not only understand but to actually practice in our everyday lives. Herb and Alla host this weekly shindig, but we are all teachers and students. The group that shows up every Sunday is what makes Purple Socks Club so special!

Who is Purple Socks Club ideal for?







Are you feeling stressed out or triggered by current events?

PURPLE SOCKS CLUB helps you manage stress and triggers in healthier ways, ultimately using unpleasant experiences to help you deepen your level of presence, awareness, and consciousness.

Craving more fulfillment in work or relationships?

Whatever positive changes you desire in your life at the moment, PURPLE SOCKS CLUB helps make them more easily attainable. We shine a light on unconscious blocks or blindspots that might be holding you back. With meditations and self-reflection exercises both individually and as a group.

Or are you simply ready to invite more peace and presence into your life?


  • WEEKLY TEACHINGS. We discuss interesting, relatable topics like everyday triggers, overthinking, being present, being more happy.

  • REAL-TIME GUIDANCE. It's a safe space without judgment where you can ask questions and get guidance on specific issues.

  • MONTHLY BOOK CLUB. Each month the group will choose a spiritual book to read & discuss. Reading it is optional (your choice).

  • GUIDED MEDITATION. Occasional group meditations to anchor in more peace, presence and power into our lives.


Purple Socks Club is 100% FREE!

It's one of the ways we give back (and pay forward the wisdom of our own teachers)


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it called Purple Socks Club?

It's a metaphor for awakening that Herb tells in an amusing story, which you will get to hear right after you sign up for Purple Socks Club.

When does Purple Socks Club meet?

As mentioned above, the live Zoom gatherings happen every Sunday at 11 AM EST (5PM London time, 6PM Berlin, etc). We realize this time may not work for every single time zone on the planet, but we have done our best to accommodate as many time zones as possible. Each Zoom session will begin promptly at the scheduled time, and last about one hour. You will have access to the Zoom link immediately after registering for Purple Socks Club by clicking any of the purple buttons on this page.

Will the Zoom meetups be video recorded for later viewing?

No, Purple Socks Club is not recorded, for two important reasons. To respect the privacy of individuals who share personal or sensitive information with the group, and to create extra motivation for showing up live, in person to do our inner work and support each other.

Do I need to wear purple socks to the meetings?

Wearing purple socks (or any socks for that matter) is not a requirement. We won't be asking you to show your feet on Zoom :) However, you are more than welcome to get into the purple socks spirit and wear your favorite socks when we gather on Sunday! You might get some extra karma points from the universe for your efforts.

Is there an age minimum? Can I bring my kids?

There is no set age minimum. We leave it up to the discretion of each parent to decide if Purple Socks Club is right for their kids. If you are unsure, we recommend you attend a session or two without kids to get a better sense of what it's like.

Is there any preparation or prior knowledge required of me?

Simply to come with an open mind and heart, leave any judgments of self and others at the door, and allow yourself to experience fully whatever arises. We ask that for the hour you are on Zoom with us, that you are fully present to the best of your ability. This means no multi-tasking like cooking dinner or answering emails at the same time. This means leaving your camera on whenever possible. And before your very first Zoom session, there are 2 brief videos to watch to help you get the most out of this journey!

Do I need to attend every single Sunday or can I just drop in once or twice?

Of course you are free to drop in and see what it's all about, though you will get infinitely more value out of the experience if you attend regularly. We know that life gets busy and unexpected things come up sometimes. Simply ask yourself what is truly important to you and what priorities you channel your time and energy toward.


The Black Lotus offers unique courses, events and private sessions for personal and professional growth.


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